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JEE-2021 Formula Booklet : Physics Chapter-Wise Quick Revision Formula Booklet For Mains & Advanced

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JEE-2021 Formula Booklet : Physics Chapter-Wise Quick Revision Formula Booklet For Mains & Advanced

As JEE exams are going on in different Sessions, It's important to keep the syllabus and each topic onto the tips so that students don't even miss a single question. Keeping Parallel thoughts in mind we are providing physics Chapter-Wise Formulae for JEE Aspirants so that they can quickly revise all the concepts provided on a single sheet of paper. 

Given Below are the Physics Chapters Followed by Links Loaded With Formula Booklet:

Topic NameDownload
1. Unit and DimensionClick Here
2. Rectilinear MotionClick Here
3. Projectile Motion & VectorClick Here
4. Relative MotionClick Here
5. Newton’s Laws of MotionClick Here
6. Electro-Magnetic WavesClick Here
7. Work, Power & EnergyClick Here
8. Circular MotionClick Here
9. Centre of MassClick Here
10. Rigid Body DynamicsClick Here
11. Simple Harmonic MotionClick Here
12. Sting WaveClick Here
13. Heat & ThermodynamicsClick Here
14. ElectrostaticsClick Here
15. Current ElectricityClick Here
16. CapacitanceClick Here
17. Alternating CurrentClick Here
18. Magnetic Effect of CurrentClick Here
19. Electromagnetic InductionClick Here
20. Geometrical OpticsClick Here
21. Modern PhysicsClick Here
22. Wave OpticsClick Here
23. GravitationClick Here
24. Fluid Mechanics & Properties of MatterClick Here
25. Sound WavesClick Here
26. Electro-Magnetic WavesClick Here
27. Error and MeasurementClick Here
28. Principle of CommunicationClick Here
29. SemiconductorClick Here
30. FrictionClick Here


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