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CBSE 10th Board Exam Pattern 2021-2022 : Detailed Explanation Of Rationalized Syllabus, Assessment Criteria & Question Paper Format
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has introduced a new assessment scheme for Class 10 students for the current academic year 2021-2022. According to the new exam policy, the whole academic year will be divided into two terms and the board will conduct two exams, one at the end of each term.
Now, the students of CBSE Class 10 need to understand the changes made to academic terms, syllabi, examination schedule and paper pattern for Board Exam 2021-2022. Let us discuss some important points for clear information and start the smart preparations for Term 1 and Term 2 Exams.
Rationalized Syllabus for CBSE Class 10 Board Exam 2021-2022:
• The CBSE may not eliminate any portion of the Class 10 Syllabus that was released in March 2021.
• However, the board will release the rationalized syllabus for Term 1 and Term 2 based on which the exams will be conducted at the end of each term.
• Students will have to study 50-50 per cent syllabus for both terms.
• Board will conduct the CBSE Class 10 Board Exams at the end of each term on the basis of the bifurcated syllabus only.
Evaluation Criteria for Term-1 & Term-2:
•, Unlike the previous years, there will be no annual exam or the year-end exam.
• The current assessment scheme is similar to the semester-based system.
• Two separate exams will be held at the end of each Term, 1 and 2.
• Results of both exams will contribute to the final score of a student.
• Marks of Internal Assessment will be considered for calculating the overall scores in a similar manner as was done in the previous years.
• Board may release new guidelines to bring transparency in the whole process of the internal assessment conducted by the schools.
According to the Board's circular, “efforts will be made to make internal assessment/ practical/ project work more credible and valid as per the guidelines and Moderation Policy to be announced by the Board to ensure fair distribution of marks”.
The pattern of Term-1 & Term-2 Exams and Question Paper Format:
CBSE Class10 Term-1 Board Exam 2021-2022
Objective Type Exam: The question paper will have multiple-choice questions (MCQ) including case-based MCQs and MCQs on the assertion-reasoning type.
Max. Marks: 50
Exam duration: 90 minutes
Question papers will be based on approximately 50% of the entire syllabus.
CBSE Class10 Term-2 Board Exam 2021-2022
Descriptive Type Exam: The question paper will have questions of different formats (case-based/situation-based, open-ended- short answer/ long answer type).
Max. Marks: 50
Exam duration: 2 hours
Question papers will be based on the remaining 50% syllabus.
Students ALERT: The Board has pre-decided an alternative assessment policy for Term 2. In case the situation is not conducive for normal descriptive examination at the end of Term 2 then a 90-minute MCQ-based exam will be conducted similar to the Term 1 Exam.
Schedule for Term-1 and Term-2 Exams:
•CBSE Class 10 Term 1 Exam will be held in November-December 2021
• CBSE Class 10 Term 2 Exam will be organized in March-April 2022.
• Flexible schedule will be followed for Term 1 exams with a window period of 4-8 weeks for all CBSE affiliated schools across the country and abroad.
• The question papers for Term 1 exams will be prepared by CBSE itself and sent to schools along with the marking scheme.
• The exams will be conducted at schools under the supervision of the superintendents and observers appointed by CBSE.
• Term 2 exams will be held at examination centers fixed by the Board.
To Check PDFs Of Subject-Wise New Syllabus In Accordance With Term-1 & Term-2, Click Here
Internal Assessment Scheme for Academic Year 2021-2022
CBSE Class10 students will have to go through the internal assessment throughout the year “irrespective of Term I and II”.
The criteria of internal assessment are kept the same. It will include the following different activities:
➤ Three periodic tests
➤ Subject enrichment activities
➤ Portfolio
➤ Practical work (for elective subjects)
➤ Speaking listening activities (for language subjects)
➤ Project work
Alternatives for Term-1 and Term-2 Exam for worst-case scenarios:
In order to avoid any inconvenience in the evaluation process in the current academic session for CBSE Class 10, the board has drawn up four possible situations of evaluation. These are:
(i) In case both the term-end exams are conducted successfully at schools/centers then the final theory marks will be distributed equally between the two exams.
(ii) In case the pandemic forces a complete closure of schools during November-December 2021 and the Term 1 exams are not held in schools but the Term II exams are held successfully at CBSE centers, then the Term I exams will be conducted online or offline mode from the residence of the students.
In this case, the weightage of the Term 1 exam for the final score would be reduced, and the weightage of Term 2 exams will be increased for declaration of the CBSE Class 10 Final Result.
(iii) In an opposite situation, where the Term 1 exams are held physically but Term II exams are not, the results will be based on the performance of students in Term 1 exams and internal assessments.
(iv) In case both the term-end exams are not conducted at schools/centers then the CBSE Class 10 Results 2021-2022 will be computed on the basis of the internal assessment/practical/project work and theory marks of Term-I and II exams taken by the candidate from home.
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